Join Educere As a Tutor In 3 Easy Steps
Come and show off your skills and earn for what you love doing

Give us necessary information about yourself.

This process will ultimately determine if you will be working with us as a tutor.

We connect you with a verified learner
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the services work?
Educere is an online tutoring agency that connects approved home tutors with learners looking to hire their services. Learners pays Educere while Educere pay tutors (retaining a commission charge of 15%-30% depending on how long the tutor has been working with us)
How much do i pay?
The service is 100% FREE. We charge the learners directly and pay the tutors while retaining a commission charge (between 15% - 30%). We pay as quickly as the tutor request for payments upon completion and submission of class lessons.
How do i get paid?
Before the commencement of a lesson, we ensure the learners pays full tuition in a bid to guarantee timely payments to the tutor. At the end of the tutoring session, the tutor requests for payment by submitting the summary of classes that hold. Upon review of the entry the tutor gets paid.
How do you calculate revenue share?
First time tutors get a 70% commission of the tuition that we charge the learners. As time progresses and the tutor starts to perform excellently, the tutor pay increases to 80%-85%.
How do you charge for your services?
The amount we charge parents depends on location of the class, complexity of subject, frequency of visit, total hours per visit etc. See more Here
Where is the teaching done?
All Educere teaching are done in the homes or offices of the learners. The location of tutoring is at the discretion of the learner.
Can you guarantee that i would get paid?
We are 100% certain that all legitimate classes held by a tutor would be paid for. How can we be sure of this? We have already ensured that the leaners pay in full before the classes started.
How do i start?
Simple start by clicking here The process to verification and passing a subject takes about 24-48 hours and once done. You can start your journey into becoming a Educere tutor.
How many home tutoring jobs do you guys currently have?
Simple start by clicking here On a daily basis, we get lots of home tutoring requests from different categories of learners and parents of learners. See for yourself click here Here
How quickly do i get my first job?
Approved tutors get gigs from Educere within 1-15 days of completing their registration. However, we have certain cities in Nigeria of high demand. Tutors outside of those locations are less likey to get jobs as quickly. Locations of high demand includes: Lagos Island, Lekki, Ajah, Ikeja, Surulere, Magodo. Etc.
What happens once i start educere application?
Once you apply to become a Educere tutor, the following would happen
• You would be asked to fill your personal details
• You would be asked to fill your banking and social media details
• Once those details are verified, you would be asked to write a test for the subject knowledge you have claimed you can teach
• Once all that Is verified, a subject profile is generated for you and shown to clients interested in hiring your services.
• This entire process would take 24-48 hours depending on the volume of traffic that we are dealing with.
Become a Home Tutor
Educere Tutors provides an avenue for experienced teachers to manage and grow their home tutoring business. Did you know that there are over 500,000 parents in Nigeria willing to pay a premium (probably equal to or more than your regular school salary) to teach their kids or even them according to a professional standard?Reach Out To Us
If you have any question or need more enquiry regarding our services, please contact us through any channel below, we will be glad to convince you.
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